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Cladistic Analysis Lesson Using Bats

Author(s): Maria T. Armour

Bridgewater State University

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Phylogenetic analysis can be a challenging concept to grasp for undergraduate biology students. This cladistic analysis lesson utilizes the amazingly diverse Order Chiroptera as a model to introduce students to major biological concepts such as:…


Phylogenetic analysis can be a challenging concept to grasp for undergraduate biology students. This cladistic analysis lesson utilizes the amazingly diverse Order Chiroptera as a model to introduce students to major biological concepts such as: phylogenies, morphological traits (shared and unique characters), and hierarchical classification. The lesson is intended for one, two-hour meeting with students majoring in Biological Sciences. Small groups are given a series of photographs and illustrations depicting representative bat families and their external anatomical features. Morphological characters are then scored as being either ancestral or derived for each taxon. Students then build two cladograms using this data and then perform character mapping onto a modified bat tree. The goal of this activity is for students to develop both a deeper understanding of bat classification and core knowledge of cladistic methods.

Licensed under CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 30 May 2022 doi:10.25334/N0EG-EJ94 - cite this


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