
Profile picture of Sharon Maureen Homer-Drummond

Sharon Maureen Homer-Drummond created this post

AAAS DoSER Scientists in Synagogues

"Scientists in Synagogues is a grass-roots program organized by Sinai and Synapses. Its goal is to offer Jews opportunities to explore the most interesting and pressing questions surrounding Judaism and science. The project provides grants to a diverse group of synagogues to develop programming that incorporates science into the life of the congregation.

Panelists listening to each other speak

It is rarely a challenge to get Jews to embrace science. However, it is often much harder to get Jews excited about Judaism. According to a national survey fielded by Rice University and AAAS as part of the “Perceptions Project,” when asked if science and religion are “in collaboration,” “independent,” or “in conflict,” Jews were higher than any other group in viewing religion and science as “independent.”

Scientists in Synagogues believes that rather than bifurcating identity, it is more constructive to explore how people can combine disparate parts of themselves at the same time. The project encourages people towards a more integrated perspective, both for their own individual sense of self and for the larger conversation surrounding Judaism and science."

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Faith and Science Integration Resources

This is a hodge podge of social media, professional associations, and talks given on the integration of faith and science (especially addressing common 'hot topics' like evolution, cosmology, climate change, and social justice). They're intended to provide ways for faculty and scientists to be able to effectively address student concerns and questions about their ability to integrate faith and science, and to alleviate the pain students often experience when they feel they're being asked to choose between faith and science.

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Profile picture of Sharon Maureen Homer-Drummond

Sharon Maureen Homer-Drummond