
Profile picture of Erin N. Bodine

Erin N. Bodine created this post

Bodine's Math Modeling & Scientific Writing Course

Syllabus and course assignments for a course in math modeling & scientific writing

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Profile picture of Dan Johnson

Dan Johnson onto STEM Writing Resources

STEM Writing Resources

These are materials outside of the STEM Writing Project related to teaching writing in undergraduate STEM courses (not just in biology). What does the collection include?

  • Practical methods for training new writers is the main topic of posts in this resource.
  • Making and interpreting arguments is at the heart of scientific writing. The collection will include evidence-based argumentation posts and resources.
  • Reading literature is an important part of learning to write well, so some posts focus on reading skills.
  • Data analysis and visualization is key to reporting results, so expect to see posts on graphing data, basic statistics, etc.
  • Anything else that seems related to teaching scientific writing.

Know of a resource that should be in the collection? Let us know!

18 posts

Profile picture of Dan Johnson

Dan Johnson

Also found in these collections:

Writing & Presentation Tips

A general paper with some tips and great references. 

21 posts

Profile picture of Blerta Shtylla

Blerta Shtylla

Mathematical modeling course

Textbooks and resources for teaching a mathematical modeling course designed to introduce undergraduate students to applied mathematics research.

9 posts

Profile picture of Carrie Diaz Eaton

Carrie Diaz Eaton