
Profile picture of Molly Allison Phillips

Molly Allison Phillips created this post

You are welcome here: considerations of diversity, equity, and inclusion for embracing new ecologists

McGill, B.M., Foster, M.J., Pruitt, A.N., Thomas, S.G., Arsenault, E.R., Hanschu, J., Wahwahsuck, K., Cortez, E., Zarek, K., Loecke, T.D. and Burgin, A.J., 2020. You are welcome here: considerations of diversity, equity, and inclusion for embracing new ecologists. 

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Diversity and Representation in the Biological Sciences

These resources came from a reading list originally maintained by iDigBio. Feel free to contribute! 

9 posts

Profile picture of Molly Allison Phillips

Molly Allison Phillips