Your Tax Dollars at Work: A mock grant writing experience centered on scientific process skills
A successful scientist combines skill, creativity, and the art of persuasion to excel in his or her field of study. Critically important for the professional scientist is the ability to not only conduct research, but also to conceive a project and obtain funding to support research goals. As students grow in their scientific process skills over the course of their training, they are often surprised by the structures and processes used by professional scientists to procure funds for their work. We describe a semester-long experience in which students engage the process of science to design an innovative research plan on a topic that is relevant to the scientific community and society. Research teams seek funding to pursue a novel, high-impact research question, and submit proposals for peer review in a mock NSF-style study section. The module design uses a scaffolded series of writing and peer review activities, and culminates in a Pecha Kucha event in which students orally pitch and defend their proposal and vote for the best in session. The module may be scaled and adapted to suit a wide range of contexts where proposal writing and peer review is emphasized.
Claudia Stein onto Study skills