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External Collaboration Results in Student Learning Gains and Positive STEM Attitudes in CUREs

Callahan, K. P., Peterson, C. N., Martinez-Vaz, B. M., Huisinga, K. L., Galport, N., Koletar, C., ... & Bell, E. (2022). External Collaboration Results in Student Learning Gains and Positive STEM Attitudes in CUREs. CBE—Life Sciences Education21(4), ar74. 10.1187/cbe.21-06-0167


The  implementation  of  course-based  undergraduate  research  experiences  (CUREs)  has  made it possible to expose large undergraduate populations to research experiences. For these research experiences to be authentic, they should reflect the increasingly collaborative  nature  of  research.  While  some  CUREs  have  expanded,  involving  multiple  schools  across  the  nation,  it  is  still  unclear  how  a  structured  extramural  collaboration  between  students  and  faculty  from  an  outside  institution  affects  student  outcomes.  In  this  study,  we established three cohorts of students: 1) no-CURE, 2) single-institution CURE (CURE), and  3)  external  collaborative  CURE  (ec-CURE),  and  assessed  academic  and  attitudinal  outcomes.  ...

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Sam S Donovan onto Published papers

Published papers

This is a collection of papers that describe the CURE programs and outcomes. 

4 posts

Profile picture of Sam S Donovan

Sam S Donovan