
Profile picture of Joshua Mays

Joshua Mays created this post

Instructor Notes and Supplemental Critical Analysis Activity -- Gaston College

Linked is a really neat .gif graph that shows temperature change over time. It is easy to interpret and helps supplement the phenology module.

Also attached is a supplemental activity (class discussion) that helps illuminate how some entities present real data in a biased fashion to convince the reader of specific views. Students work as a group to bias real data, engage in a class discussion, and find real examples of biased data in social media/current events.


Instructor's Notes:

This TIEE module was implemented over the course of two days in a lab setting for community college students enrolled in a major's biology course. I began with the pre-workshop excel graphing activity by Calinger, had students work on the module without modifications, and ended with my critical analysis supplemental activity attached above.

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Investigating the footprint of climate change on phenology and ecological interactions in north-central North America

Materials related to this TIEE module by Kellen Calinger, Ohio State University, 2014

13 posts

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Gabriela Hamerlinck