
Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar created this post

Chapter 3 – The R Programming Language

Chapter from "Doing Bayesian Data Analysis: A Tutorial with R, JAGS, and Stan (Second Edition)" by John K. Kruschke

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Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar onto Books About Using R

Books About Using R

This collection includes various textbooks for new users of the statistical software and language R. 

7 posts

Profile picture of Wendy Jo Levenson

Wendy Jo Levenson

Also found in these collections:

Books on R

1 posts

Profile picture of Lester Caudill

Lester Caudill

Resources for R

This collection will contain helpful resources (such as reference cards, cheat sheets, and websites) on the following topics:

  • R
  • R-Studio
  • R-Markdown

16 posts

Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar