
Profile picture of Sam S Donovan

Sam S Donovan created this post

Greetings from Robin Greenler

BioQUEST’s 30th celebration tonight has me thinking of you all.  I would so love to be there tonight —I frequently think of you, Ethel.  I am also thinking of our dear friend Patti Soderbergh and wish she was around to be part of the celebrations.

At any rate, I hope you have a good celebration tonight—you have a lot to be proud of in that consortium.

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Profile picture of Sam S Donovan

Sam S Donovan onto 30 Years of BioQUEST

30 Years of BioQUEST

On Monday, June 6th 2016 BioQUEST celebrated its official birthday. 

Share your memories, pictures, and stories here. If you don't have a QUBES account and would like to share something feel free to email it to and I'll make sure it gets posted. 

20 posts

Profile picture of Sam S Donovan

Sam S Donovan