
Profile picture of Ellen Wisner

Ellen Wisner created this post

Welcome to Tree of Life: Speciation

This is a place to contribute resources, tools, and assessments that address the following learning outcomes under the broad theme of speciation.

Students are able to:

LO2.1 Illustrate how divergence in phenotype may lead to reproductive isolation

LO2.2 Recognize that species are dynamic entities, and compare the theoretical and practical uses of multiple species concepts

LO2.3 Interpret visual representations of speciation events

This is part of the Tree of Life working group.  Click here to read about our general goals and framework.

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Profile picture of Ellen Wisner

Ellen Wisner onto Tree of Life: Speciation

Tree of Life: Speciation

This is a place to contribute resources, tools, and assessments that address the following learning outcomes under the broad theme of speciation.

Students are able to:

1. Illustrate how divergence in phenotype may lead to reproductive isolation

2. Recognize that species are dynamic entities, and compare the theoretical and practical uses of multiple species concepts

3. Interpret visual representations of speciation events

This is part of the Tree of Life working group.  Click here to read about our general goals and framework.


6 posts

Profile picture of Arietta Fleming-Davies

Arietta Fleming-Davies