
Profile picture of Ellen Wisner

Ellen Wisner created this post

Instructions for contributing to this collection

We encourage everyone to submit items for this collection.  Please use the table above to determine how to categorize and tag your item. 

In addition, please tag which learning outcome(s) your item addresses, and include the tag Biodiversity.

EXAMPLE: If you are posting a tool that addresses learning outcomes 2 & 3 you would include the following tags:   Tools, LO2.2, LO2.3, Biodiversity

*Please use this format when tagging as it will make the collection easier to search.

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Profile picture of Ellen Wisner

Ellen Wisner onto Tree of Life: Biodiversity

Tree of Life: Biodiversity

This is a place to contribute resources, tools, and assessments that address the following learning outcomes under the broad theme of biodiversity.

Students are able to:

1. Describe the molecular and structural unity of life

2. Explain the role of endosymbiosis and horizontal gene transfer in the origins of the major lineages.

3. Justify why biodiversity is important to humans.

4. Compare the general characteristics of major lineages in evolutionary history

5. Summarize the role of extinction in shaping patterns of biodiversity

This is part of the Tree of Life working group. Click here to read about our general goals and framework.

6 posts

Profile picture of Arietta Fleming-Davies

Arietta Fleming-Davies