
Profile picture of Kristine Grayson

Kristine Grayson created this post

DryadLab modules

These three resources use large data sets from Dryad to teach ecological concepts: 1) Evolutionary trade-offs in plant structural adaptations, 2) Survivorship curves, 3) Life history traits and extinction risk. The modules are easily modified to a wide range of statistical platforms. Kaitlin and Kristine got their QUBES start in an FMN on adapting these resources. The public QUBES page has some additional resources related to these modules. 

These modules can also be run through Radiant, a web application for RStudio, through the QUBES dryadlabclass page.

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Profile picture of Kristine Grayson

Kristine Grayson onto Data-centric teaching resources

Data-centric teaching resources

Please add your favorite educational materials or modules for teaching with data (from any published source or your own work).  In the description, tell us if you used these materials in your courses and how you implemented it. [This is an open collection so please don't post items that can't be shared publicly]. 

7 posts

Profile picture of Kristine Grayson

Kristine Grayson