
Profile picture of Sam S Donovan

Sam S Donovan created this post

Qiime2 View

This interface can view .qza and .qzv files directly in your browser without uploading to a server.

QIIME 2 View (or q2view for short) is an entirely client-side interface for viewing QIIME 2 artifacts and visualizations (.qza/.qzv files respectively). This means that you do not need to have a working QIIME 2 installation to inspect QIIME 2 results. It also means that the files you provide are not sent beyond your browser. In other words, this entire site functions without a server (which makes it very inexpensive to operate).

Additionally, q2view supports viewing externally hosted files, which means you can provide a link to your file (for example on Dropbox) and q2view will automatically download and display it. Better yet, the resulting pages are themselves shareable, so if a collaborator does not have QIIME 2, you can simply upload your results and share your q2view links with your collaborator. q2view will automatically fetch your results and display them to your collaborator.

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Profile picture of Sam S Donovan

Sam S Donovan