
Profile picture of John Howard Starnes

John Howard Starnes created this post

Google Presentation 

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Profile picture of John Howard Starnes

John Howard Starnes onto Ag Eco Coffee

  1. Profile picture of <a href=Hayley Orndorf" />

    Hayley Orndorf

    UDL Feedback and Suggestions

    • Engagement - awesome suggestions! 
    • Data - it would be great if any of the data types you listed were interactive, consider providing paper and digital formats
    • Auditory - I suggest considering this element in a bit of a different way. Think about ways to present information visually in rich ways, rather than accommodations for hearing limitations. Instead, play on visual and spatial strengths instead. An ASL interpreter is great (they're cool and awesome!) but are actually still considered an accommodation. But, if you have a Deaf student and can find videos that have been translated or have an interpreter in screen, that would be awesome!
    • Action & Expression - have you thought about how students will report back on information? How they will be assessed?
      • Can you say more on this piece, "This case study is classroom based, as such accommodations should already be in place" - interested to hear more!