
Profile picture of Kristin Jenkins

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SIR Models

This ESTEEM worksheet implements an SIR (Susceptible/ Infected/ Resistant) model of epidemiology for vector-borne diseases. Up to three microbial strains with different virulence and transmission parameters can be modeled and the results graphed. Originally designed to explore coevolution of myxoma and rabbits, the model is easily generalized to other systems.

The SIR Build It REVISED 2018 file attached here represents a basic SIR model and demonstrates Farr's law as well as the corresponding S/I phase plot. Additional sheets demonstrate some modifications of the basic model, including the effects of stochasticity.

From Tony Weisstein, Truman State

More Excel based simulations from the BioQUEST ESTEEM collection are available here:

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Kristin Jenkins onto Labs


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Kristin Jenkins