
Profile picture of Alycia Crall

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Summary of the National Academies Report on Data Science for Undergraduates

Presenter: Louis Gross, University of Tennessee  

Abstract: Under the auspices of the National Academies, a Committee developed a consensus report regarding means to enhance undergraduate programs in the emerging discipline of data science. Building upon advice from a variety of on-line and in-person interactions with a broad spectrum of experts, the report provides a collection of findings and recommendations for initiating, developing and evaluating programs that prepare students for careers in data science as well as encouraging methods for all undergraduates to be exposed to basic concepts in this field. I will summarize the suggestions made regarding development of data acumen, incorporation of real-world examples, enhancing teamwork and communication, ethical considerations, and assessment and evaluation of data science programs. I will emphasize the potential for such programs to broaden participation in quantitative science and the benefit of utilizing environmental data and examples that align with the interests of diverse students.

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2019 Conference Proceedings and Presentations

This collection includes the 2019 conference proceedings and a series of online videos for each of the presentations given at the April 2-4, 2019 EDSIN conference. You can also view the full YouTube playlist.

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Profile picture of Alycia Crall

Alycia Crall