
Profile picture of Alison N Hale

Alison N Hale created this post

When people worry about math, the brain feels the pain

Math hurts - if you have anxiety about it.

1 comments 21 reposts

Profile picture of Deborah Rook

Deborah Rook onto FOR FMNs- Math Anxiety

  1. Profile picture of <a href=Tom Mueller" />

    Tom Mueller

    WOW - This article was fascinating.  I know that I suffer from this type of anxiety.  I think now that we have studied it, the next step is to help people reduce their anxiety.  We need methods to help people. 

FOR FMNs- Math Anxiety

Resources on understanding and overcoming math anxiety. Feel free to add!

4 posts

Profile picture of Deborah Rook

Deborah Rook

Also found in these collections:

Math Anxiety, Mindset, and Inclusivity

Math anxiety is a real issue that can interfere with students' ability to learn and use quantitative skills.  This collection includes information on math anxiety and tools to overcome it as well as information on other issues that can influence student success including mindset, implicit bias, and sense of belonging.

12 posts

Profile picture of Kristin Jenkins

Kristin Jenkins