

BioMap Degree Plan: A project to guide students in exploring, defining, and building a plan to achieve career goals

Traditional college students begin their academic journey with a variety of ideas about the careers they might ultimately pursue. Some students have always known what they want to do, some have ideas about possible careers, while others have never thought seriously about their future career. The BioMap Degree Plan project teaches students in any of these stages a process for exploring biological sciences careers and guides them to build an academic plan to pursue a career. Students begin by identifying their interests and values and use the information to examine plans to pursue a specific career and broaden the scope of careers they are considering. They learn about academic programs and co-curricular learning experiences available at their institution, identify the programs and experiences that will prepare them for their career, and build an academic plan. The process of building the BioMap Degree Plan teaches students to think critically about their time in college, define their goals, and reflect on what it will take to reach those goals. The project guides students to develop the first draft of their plan, which they are encouraged to update and revise as they progress through their academic and professional careers.

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Profile picture of Jennifer Leigh Sallee

Jennifer Leigh Sallee onto BIO400


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Profile picture of Jennifer Leigh Sallee

Jennifer Leigh Sallee