FLAMEnet exists to cultivate the next generation of resilient, risk-taking STEM innovators

We will accomplish this by bringing together:

  • STEM instructors
  • Education researchers
  • Psychology researchers
  • Academic leaders

to build upon intrapersonal frameworks (e.g., mindset, fear of failure, coping, sense of belonging, etc.) and accomplish the following:

  1. Gather information about how students and instructors view intrapersonal factors, instructor use of intrapersonal factors, and their efficacy.
  2. Garner buy-in among instructors to change educational practices
  3. Support resource development and dissemination that further our understanding of intrapersonal factors and effective educational practice within STEM classrooms

While in pursuit of these strategic goals, we will always strive to a) foster an inclusive, collaborative academic community, b) advance the scholarship of our members, and c) meet the needs of diverse students, instructors, and institutions.