
SIMIODE Director's Blog - The Wisdom of Willie Nelson

The Wisdom of Willie Nelson

In spending time on FaceBook I found the following quote from Willie Nelson, the great American country and rock and roll musician, “If you can be content right now, then you’ll always be content, because it’s always right now.”

When I was young, I often said, "I am never content with where I am now." And I would move to a new level, another place, a different approach, a new resolve. Then to quote another iconic group in music, the Grateful Dead, I would just "Keep on Truckin'."

Some colleagues are happy and do very well with what works and has worked, but at SIMIODE we are interested in folks who want to move on, who are not content with where they are right now, and who believe modeling can make a difference in how their students learn differential equation.

Dare I say, we at SIMIODE are pleased to be in the good company of Willie Nelson and the Grateful Dead.

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