Backyard Beetles + Pollinators for a non-lab course on biodiversity conservation
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12 May 2021 | Contributor(s): Emily Nodine | doi:10.25334/F3ZH-EH84
Backyard Beetles + Pollinators is a project to observe and evaluate plant-pollinator networks. This adaptation modifies the (adapted) modules for a non-lab course on conservation, conducted during a mix of in-person and remote students.
Adaptation of Plants in the Human-Altered Environment (PHAE) for a non-lab course on biodiversity conservation
12 May 2021 | Contributor(s): Emily Nodine | doi:10.25334/PT2R-ZZ91
PHAE is a project to compare effects of landscape alteration intensities on plant biomass and diversity. This adaptation modifies the (adapted) modules for a non-lab course on conservation, conducted during a mix of in-person and remote students
Modeling Trophic Interactions in Rice Agriculture: A Jigsaw Approach
18 Jan 2019 | Contributor(s): Fernando Nieto, Kiersten Nicole Newtoff, Kristine Grayson, Emily Nodine, Brian Robert Shmaefsky | doi:10.25334/Q42724
Students explore four different issues related to trophic interactions that affect modern rice agriculture practices and consider relationships between these issues using Lotka and Volterra predator/prey model.
Understanding Trophic Interactions in Rice Agriculture: A Jigsaw Approach
05 Jan 2019 | Contributor(s): Kiersten Nicole Newtoff, Fernando Nieto, Emily Nodine, Brian Robert Shmaefsky, Kristine Grayson | doi:10.25334/Q4SX5P
Students explore four different issues related to trophic interactions that affect modern rice agriculture practices and consider relationships between these issues.
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