
The Ecological Forecasting Initiative (EFI) is a grass-roots consortium aimed at building and supporting an interdisciplinary community of practice around near-term (daily to decadal) ecological forecasts.  EFI activities revolve around cross-cutting themes and working groups focused on topics such as Education, DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), Cyberinfrastructure, Statistical Methods needed for creating forecasts, Social Science, Partners & Knowledge Transfer, Theory, and creating Forecasting Standards for forecast output and metadata.

This project provides resources developed by the Education and DEI working groups. The focus of the Education Working Group is to build a diverse community of individuals who are 1) trained on the methods, theory and decision science to create iterative near-term forecasts, or 2) trained to use the forecast predictions in management and policy. The Education and Diversity & Inclusion are separate working groups, but work closely together with a focus on building an inclusive community of practice among ecological forecasting educators and developing open, collaborative, and extensible teaching materials at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels. We think training in ecological forecasting is important for all ecologists, not just those actively building forecasts. For example, the approaches used to design experiments and collect data can change nontrivially if we want to inform predictions.

Additional information can be found here: https://ecoforecast.org/education/
