• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 10 Sep 2021

Incubator Overview Page

This incubator started during Fall 2021.

Overview: We will create a Pre Lab Data analysis activity that focuses on using EXCEL to perform Linear Regression. This is an activity that students will work on before they start their Cell Respiration Lab. We noticed that students find the regression analysis part of the lab challenging, so we want to give them a chance to focus on the regression only before working on the cellular respiration lab. Our Module will be a Pre-Lab data Analysis to help students better understand and complete future linear regression analysis.

The Biology Lab: Cell Respiration Lab with Germinating vs Non Germinating Peas

With the completion of this incubator, our new material will be shared as an open education resource (OER) with our communities through the QUBES Resource platform.