Knowledge Base

How do I share files with other people?

There are many ways to share files with people using the Hub.

  1. Attachments to a Resource:  Great for sharing final products and advertising your material, with a dedicated webpage to the resource.  Somewhat lengthy process of submission.  Examples here.
  2. Attachments to a post in a Collection:  Useful for communication and sharing of web links, images, and general files.  Quick and easy process of submission, with the ability to add context and metadata.  Examples here.
  3. Uploading files to the Files area of a Project:  Each Project has 1 GB of cloud storage accessible on QUBES via the browser.  The storage can also be synchronized to Google Drive, allowing access via Google through the web or your standard file system (PC or Mac) using their Drive app.  You can create a Project either individually or within a Group.  Click here to start a Project now!  Projects, and therefore files within them, can be public or private for controlled access. 
  4. Uploading files to the Files area of a Group:  Groups also have a main Files area, used to store images and files for the Group's webpages.  This area can also store general files, however (well, almost general - see below).  The functionality is more limited at this time as compared to Project files.  For example, there is no Google Drive support, and while access to the files area can be restricted to group members only, the files can be accessed for those that have the link.
    NOTE: The following are the allowing extension types for the Files area of a Group: bmp, csv, doc, epg, gif, ico, jpg, odg, odp, ods, odt, pdf, png, ppt, swf, txt, xcf, xls, BMP, CSV, DOC, EPG, GIF, ICO, JPG, ODG, ODP, ODS, ODT, PDF, PNG, PPT, SWF, TXT, XCF, XLS, php, css, zip, gz, js.

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