Events: 2015/02/07
- 07 Feb 2015
- 1:00 pm EST
- 5:00 am EST
American Fisheries Society Internship Opportunity for HS Students
Category: General
The American Fisheries Society (AFS) is now accepting applications for its high school internship program in fisheries science, the Hutton Junior Fisheries Biology Program. The Hutton Program is an internship and mentoring program that provides high school juniors and seniors exciting, hands-on...
- 1:00 pm EST
- 9:00 pm EDT
Radford University Faculty Mentoring Network
Category: Faculty Mentoring Network
This group is for faculty at Radford University that participated in a pilot QUBES faculty mentoring network. The purposes of the network are two-fold: to find ways in a variety of courses (introductory biology, math for biologists, stats for biologists) to improve our instruction of...
- 1:00 pm EST
- 10:00 pm EST
Quantitative Biology Education Summit
Category: Meeting
This meeting will bring together people who have expertise in QB education to advise the QUBES group as they plan projects in QB education, and the RCN participants who can contribute resources to QB education. The goal of this meeting is to identify the “low-hanging fruit” in terms of topics or...