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Modification of "The Effect of Climate Change on Butterfly Phenology" module by Linton et al.

Author(s): Kaitlin Stack Whitney

Rochester Institute of Technology

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This is a modification of the Linton et al. module in TIEE Volume 13. Students use data from digitized museum records of butterfly specimens in a modification with no homework (lab/workshop format) or statistics knowledge required.

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Version 1.1 - published on 30 May 2019 doi:10.25334/Q4W45P - cite this

Adapted from: The Effect of Climate Change on Butterfly Phenology v 1.0


This module is a modification of the Linton et al. module in TIEE Volume 13.

The module keeps the learning objectives of using open-ended data inquiry with real specimens from the idigbio portal to explore phenology and comparing student results to published scientific data/interpretation.  However, this forked resource is distinct in several ways - it's intended to be completed in 1 or 2 self contained lab/workshop in class time blocks, includes a meta-cognition based reflection as part of the deliverables, and starts with an exploration of the idigbio portal and discussion of natural history museums' contributions to ecology.  This variation also has the students compare their results to an additional, related published journal article as part of their reflection. Students still use excel spreadsheets to explore and answer questions about the butterfly datasets.

The author would like to thank the QUBES ESA Data Explorers FMN Spring 2019 organizers and leaders for their facilitation, organizing, mentoring and leadership. Thanks also to the other FMN participants, who provided valuable support and feedback on the modification drafting process - and to her students, for classroom testing the modification and providing feedback.

Based on:

Debra Linton, Anna Monfils, Molly Phillips, and Elizabeth R. Ellwood. 2018. The Effect of Climate Change on Butterfly Phenology. Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology, Vol. 13: Practice #7 [online]. doi:10.25334/Q46Q5B


This is version 1.1, posted May 8, 2019 and updated May 30, 2019 with teaching notes.

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