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The tale of two fish: A case study on vicariance and allopatric speciation

Author(s): Demian Alexander Willette

Loyola Marymount University

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This mini-case study guides students through multiple lines of evidence that suggests the most likely sister species to the lake species Sardinella tawilis, the sister species being the marine fish Sardinella hualiensis.

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Version 1.0 - published on 26 May 2019 doi:10.25334/Q4ZB3M - cite this


This mini-case study was developed for and used in an upper division biology course with 14 students (sophomore/junior standing) about 4 weeks into the semester and after a full lecture had be delivered on biogeography and the assignment of the associated SimUText chapter. Students worked in pairs and an introduction of the activity (the first page and half) were given as a pre-lecture reading assignment, then reviewed for ~5 minutes in the beginning of the class. Students were then given 30-45 minutes to complete the activity, with the instructor roaming the room to check in on student progress and ask guiding questions to advance the students’ progress.

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