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R Subsetting Tutorial

Author(s): Mary Kho1, Emily Weigel1

Georgia Institute of Technology

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The students will practice manipulating data to add to or extract subsets of specific values, rows, columns, or subsets of data contained in existing data files.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 01 Jan 2020 doi:10.25334/GZCA-S726 - cite this


This lesson focuses on having students conduct basic data manipulation in R. Rather than directly editing their data file, students will be walked through the best practices in R for how to generate (smaller) datasets of interest using R commands.  

Learning objectives:

  1. Explain the utility and best practices of subsetting data via scripts
  1. Practice coding elements necessary to extract and create subsets of data
  1. Apply the methods and coding learned through swirl to their own datasets

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