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Mammal Bones & Homologies

Author(s): Jessica Light

Texas A&M University

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Short activity for a laboratory covering mammal skulls, teeth, bones, dichotomous keys, and homologies (using Blackburn lab Sketchfab). Included in the package is a document for teaching assistants, a document for students, and a powerpoint with…


Short activity for a laboratory covering mammal skulls, teeth, bones, dichotomous keys, and homologies (using Blackburn lab Sketchfab). Included in the package is a document for teaching assistants, a document for students, and a powerpoint with images.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 17 Nov 2020 doi:10.25334/F18G-0D08 - cite this


Short activity for a laboratory covering mammal skulls, teeth, bones, dichotomous keys, and homologies (using Blackburn lab Sketchfab). This is an introductory-level lab focused on mammals and their bones and teeth.  Included in the package is a document for teaching assistants, a document for students, and a powerpoint with images from the Animal Diversity Web. This could be a student-led exercise where students read the instructions and complete the assignment. It could also be a group exercise led by the instructor.


Version 1

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