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Lichens in Your Local Landscape

Author(s): Leah Dudley

East Central University

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This project uses Lichens to connect students with their local environmental air quality. Through a short lab session, students assess lichens growing on trees on their campus. They then use class generated data to test a hypothesis about air…


This project uses Lichens to connect students with their local environmental air quality. Through a short lab session, students assess lichens growing on trees on their campus. They then use class generated data to test a hypothesis about air quality.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 12 May 2021 doi:10.25334/KWKF-J941 - cite this

Adapted from: Lichens in Diverse Landscapes: EREN-NEON Flexible Learning Project v 1.0


Students assess local air quality based on lichen presence/absence growing on trees on their local campus. They write their own hypotheses based on preliminary information then collect data in the field. They use a citizen science app (iNaturalist) to connect with the broader community by uploading images of the lichens that they find. They collect tree dbh and relate this to air quality using class data. Students then construct a scatterplot and use it to test the relationship between tree dbh and air quality. Finally they calcuate a mean and standard deviation to be used to assess overall air quality on their campus.


adapted Module 2 only, Lichens in YOUR Local Landscape

minor change in lichen sampling grid, printed on a transparency instead of using a ziplock

datasheet adapated for data class was taking

pH was not measured

canopy cover was not measured since this lab was conducted outside prior to leaf flush

only 3 trees were sampled for each student for already identified to species level trees

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