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Graphing and mapping patterns of air quality in Los Angeles, California through an environmental justice lens.

Author(s): Adriane Clark Jones

Mount Saint Mary's University

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Air quality is an environmental issue that impacts everyone in Los Angeles. This activity presents current popular press articles about air pollution and environmental justice and maps and graphs PM pollution in Los Angeles.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 28 Jun 2021 doi:10.25334/AZ2T-1Y63 - cite this


This is a three-part student activity that could be done in lecture or lab. Part 1 assigns a series of current popular press articles to read and a series of discussion questions. Students read and complete this section before the in-class activity. Part 2 takes place in class, students will be introduced to ESRI ArcGIS online and guided through a mapping activity using Living Atlas Layers. The students answer questions about their map. Part 3 is assigned as homework students select two Real-Time EPA AirNow Air Quality Monitoring Sites and download a year of data for the two locations from The students will use Microsoft Excel to plot the data from each location and then use the graphs to answer questions.

Updated Link for sample map 

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