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Andy Giordano discusses how he generated a fulfilling life through science

Author(s): Andy Giordano1, Megan Seifert2

1. Sugar Bowl Academy 2. Headwaters Science Institute

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Andy Giordano talks to us about how he has been able to generate a fulfilling life through his pursuit of science. This is a talk relevant for all ages and professional statuses. Whether you are an undergraduate student or Ph.D., this video will be…


Andy Giordano talks to us about how he has been able to generate a fulfilling life through his pursuit of science. This is a talk relevant for all ages and professional statuses. Whether you are an undergraduate student or Ph.D., this video will be helpful to help guide you on your path.

Licensed under CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 03 Aug 2022 doi:10.25334/05WN-YK31 - cite this


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Andy Giordano started off his path in science by earning his B.S. in Biology at the State University of New York and then proceeded to earn his M.S. in Zoology at Washington State University. Now a Science teacher at Sugar Bowl Academy, he talks to us about his research experiences studying genetics and geology, what graduate school taught him, and how he inspires the younger generations to pursue science.

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