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Stem Cells in Planaria Regeneration and Wound Healing

Author(s): Aylin Marz1, Jennifer Buntz2, Susan Meiers3

1. Norfolk State University 2. Dine College 3. Western Illinois University

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Discussion questions to help guide students examining a graph of number of mitoses vs time for planaria injured or had amputations of their tails.

Licensed under CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 20 Feb 2018 doi:10.25334/Q44090 - cite this


A graph of the number of mitosis following an incision or amputation in planaria is provided. The biological content covered is stem cells, mitosis, regeneration, and wound healing. A student handout is provided and contains a link to the original manuscript for the data point, a link to a video on planarian regeneration, summary background information, and questions that can be answered that relate to reading a graph and interpreting the information for its biological significance.

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