375 total view(s), 377 download(s)
- Language of Science 020121.pptx(PPTX | 37 MB)
- https://www.vaccine-science-education.org/_files/ugd/0d2c49_cb75d884749a483cab4637aa57df14bb.pptx
- Guide for Faculty.docx(DOCX | 46 KB)
- Guide for Students - Module 1.docx(DOCX | 194 KB)
- Homework Assignments - Language of Scien.odt(ODT | 62 KB)
- Language of Science - Word Map Assignment 062821.docx(DOCX | 40 KB)
- Script and Bibliography - The Language o.odt(ODT | 75 KB)
- License terms
A recording of these slides is available on the project YouTube channel here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIwWpHR03m4&list=PLY81zhhxT3kAqwMdIxXVz-uoZqWuzmArT&index=8
Several assignments are provided in this module that could be used as a pre-assessment such as fill-in-the-blanks, concept mapping, or word maps. Each part has suggested homework such as multiple choice questions, open-ended questions, and visual assessments such as concept maps. Pre-assessments could be administered in the first 5 minutes of class time on paper and collected or uploaded to the learning management system. Post assignments would be administered after the students have watched and reviewed the videos. The videos have been designed in blocks allowing for time to complete the assessments as the videos are watched. If administered in class, students could be encouraged to think-pair-share on several of the questions or to collaborate on concept mapping and fill-in-the-blank exercises.
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Researchers should cite this work as follows:
- Smyth, D. (2023). The Language of Science. COVID Vaccination: From Science to Society FMN, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/10WC-DP07