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Facial Bones

Author(s): Katherine Poole

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Information about the many different facial bones.

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Version 1.0 - published on 25 Oct 2018 doi:10.25334/Q4BX48 - cite this


There are 14 beautiful facial bones six of them are paired and two of them are unpaired, for a grand total of 14 facial bones. The facial bones are: the unpaired mandible, the paired maxillae, the paired zygomatic bones, the paired nasal bones, the paired lacrimal bones, the paired palatine bones, the paired inferior nasal Concha and the unpaired foramen bone. 

These wonderful bones are directly connected to the facial muscles. Those fantabulous facial bones also provide cavities for the facial organs like the eyes, nose and tongue, but it doesn't stop there. The facial bones also anchor the teeth and even serve as pathways for air and food. One of the most important facial bones is mandible. The mandible forms the lower jaw and anchors the bottom teeth it's the largest and strongest of all the facial bones.
The paired maxillae anchor the upper teeth and form the upper jaw, they also form the anterior or front part of the hard palate. In everyday life the hard palate is known as the roof of the mouth but it doesn't stop there, the paired maxilla also formed the inferior orbits, that's a lower part of the eye sockets. They even help form the nasal cavities. 

Other important facial bones are the paired zygomatic bones, these bones are the ones that form the cheek bones. Then there's the paired nasal bones, without these babies there'd be no bridge to your nose and let's not forget the paired lacrimal bones. The lacrimal bones form the anterior medial orbits which are part of the eye socket and sadly enough, contain the lacrimal or tear sacs. 

Another important pair of facial bones are the palatine bones, you remember that the paired maxillae make up the hard palate well they don't do it alone the paired palatine bones make up the posterior hard palate that's the back part of the palate. The paired palatine bones also make up a small part of the floor of the orbits for eye sockets and finally they help make up our friend the nasal cavity that's inside your nose in case you've forgotten and then there's the unpaired vomer, yet another important facial bone. 

The vomer forms the posterior and inferior parts of the nasal septum, that's the back lower part of the little wall that divides the inside of your nose. Finally there's the paired inferior or lower nasal conchae the paired nasal conchae make up the lateral or sidewalls of the nasal cavities. There’s also a hyoid bone which isn't officially part of the skull but it's often discussed at the same time. The high weight bone is a small horseshoe shaped bone, it's located inferior to or below the mandible and it's superior to the larynx or voice box in the anterior neck roof that was a mouthful. The hyoid bone serves as a point of attachment for a bunch of neck and tongue muscles, it also acts as a moveable base for the tongue. The hyoid bone is a unique almost sad bone it's the only bone that doesn't connect directly with any other bone in the body.

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