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#1482, v1.0 Published:
#1554, v1.0 Published:


Old VersionNew Version
1Spectral Seismology Module (Project EDDIE) 1Seismology Lab (Project EDDIE)


Old VersionNew Version
1D. S. Soule (--) 1Sarah Beth Cadieux ()
2M. Weirathmuller (--) 2Sarah Beth Cadieux ()
3G. Kroeger (--)   
4R. D. Gougis ()   
5Deborah Rook ()   


Old VersionNew Version
1<p>This module that is based on a conceptual presentation of waveforms and filters. &quot;Spectral Seismology&quot; will engage students using seismic and acoustic signals available through Incorporated Research Institutes for Seismology (IRIS) in the manual manipulation of waveforms with the goal of developing students&#39; ability to go beyond basic terminology. I hypothesize students completing &quot;Spectral Seismology&quot; will demonstrate: (1) The vocabulary needed to describe signals in the time and frequency domain; (2) The ability to conceptualize a waveform as the sum of separate frequency components; (30 The ability to relate a signal presented in the time domain to its conjugate in the frequency domain; (4) The ability to use a signal presented in either the time or frequency domain to develop an analysis plan and choose an appropriate filter.</p>  1<p>This module was developed to introduce students to the study of seismology. Students will use seismic signals available through Incorporated Research Institutes for Seismology (IRIS) to learn about how seismic waves change as they move through the earth and determine the epicenter of an earthquake.</p>
   3<p>Materials needed:&nbsp;</p>
   6   <li>Slinky</li>
   7   <li>Smart phone</li>
   8   <li>Computer</li>
   9   <li>Internet access</li>
2  11  
3<p><a href="">Project EDDIE</a>&nbsp;(Environmental Data-Driven Inquiry &amp; Exploration) is a community effort aimed at developing teaching resources and instructors that address quantitative reasoning and scientific concepts using open inquiry of publicly available data.&nbsp;<a href="">Project EDDIE modules</a>&nbsp;are designed with an A-B-C structure to make them flexible and adaptable to a range of student levels and course structures.</p> 12<p><a href="">Project EDDIE</a>&nbsp;(Environmental Data-Driven Inquiry &amp; Exploration) is a community effort aimed at developing teaching resources and instructors that address quantitative reasoning and scientific concepts using open inquiry of publicly available data.&nbsp;<a href="">Project EDDIE modules</a>&nbsp;are designed with an A-B-C structure to make them flexible and adaptable to a range of student levels and course structures.</p> 


1 link — Spectral Seismology Module 1 file — BK.CMBBHZ.M.1999.213.160500.SAC
2 file — monitor.jpg 2 file — CI.PASBHZ.M.1999.213.160500.SAC
3 file — FMNTeachingNotes_EDDIE.docx
4 file — Lab 7- Seismology.docx
5 file — eq-ed-triangulation.gif
6 file — Earthquake locator-paper seismograms.pdf
7 file — FMNTeachingNotes_CADIEUX -Seismology.docx
8 file — Lab 7- Seismology using paper map for EQ location.pdf