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#2066, v1.0 Published:
#2335, v1.0 Published:


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1Lichens in Diverse Landscapes: EREN-NEON Flexible Learning Project 1Implementing Flexible Learning Projects to support authentic research experiences in Ecology (BIO 3317) at McDaniel College


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1Danielle Garneau (SUNY Plattsburgh) 1Holly Martinson ()
2Mary Beth Kolozsvary () 2Holly Martinson ()
3Matthew Joshua Heard (Belmont University)   
4Megan A. Jones (National Ecological Observatory Network)   


Old VersionNew Version
1<p>Lichens are well-known sentinels of problems with air quality. This project makes use of publicly-available datasets on lichen presence and abundance and wet deposition, paired with geospatial data on air quality, tree canopy cover, and locally collected field data, to better understand how lichens respond to anthropogenic environmental pressures. Lichens will be related to environmental variables at a variety of spatial scales, from tree bark substrates to regional patterns of air quality. Students and instructors will explore and gain experience with GIS, NEON data, statistical analyses, and field data collection as part of this project. This project can be the subject of a course laboratory activity lasting between 1 and 3 weeks.&nbsp;</p> 1<p>This adaptation of the Lichens in YOUR Local Landscape EREN-NEON Flexible Learning Project was developed to support student learning of ecological study design, quantitative skills, and written scientific&nbsp;communication. The slides present (1) an overview of the use of the EREN-NEON-FLPs in a hybrid ecology course at McDaniel College in Spring 2021, (2) the utility&nbsp;of the Lichens project for teaching both field and analytical skills, and (3) a framework for integrating this project into future classes. The narrative document provides additional context and a description of the multi-scale analysis conducted in Spring 2021.&nbsp;</p>


1 link — EREN - Lichens in Diverse Landscapes 1 file — HMartinson/Martinson EREN NEON FLP FMN Spring 2021 Narrative.pdf
2 file — LichensDiverseLandscapes.png 2 file — HMartinson/Martinson EREN NEON FLP FMN Spring 2021 Slides.pdf
3 link — EREN - Lichens in Diverse Landscapes
4 file — publication_2234_2525/LichensDiverseLandscapes.png