Resources: Compare

#299, v1.0 Published:
#310, v1.0.0 Published:


Old VersionNew Version
1Cell Division and Cancer Risk Data Point 1Calculating Lifetime Cancer Risk Resulting from DNA Replication


Old VersionNew Version
1HHMI BioInteractive () 1Ruth Buskirk (University of Texas at Austin)
2Kristine Grayson (University of Richmond) 2Kristine Grayson (University of Richmond) 
  3Kristine Grayson () 
  4Rebecca Orr (Collin College) 
  5Kristin Harvey (University of Texas at Austin) 


Old VersionNew Version
1<p>Relationship between the risk of cancer and the number of times stem cells divide in different types of body tissue over the course of a person&rsquo;s lifetime. Lifetime risk (y-axis) is expressed as the base 10 logarithm of the probability of developing cancer, where 10-1is 10% risk, 10-2 is 1% risk, and so forth.</p>  1<p>Student interest in cancer as a topic of study and discussion is high, as most students can closely identify with the impact of cancer on an individual and their loved ones. DNA replication and repair is a topic essential to understanding reproduction and is foundational to students&#39; understanding of gene expression. This module seeks to address two distinct learning goals, one that is content-based and one that is develops quantitative competency in freshman biology students.</p>
2  2  
3<p>Download the educator guide PDF, which includes questions to guide a class discussion on the graph characteristics and what the data show.</p>  3<p>&nbsp;</p>
4  4  
5<p>Figure 1 from:</p>  5<p><em>Learning Goals for &quot;Calculating Lifetime Cancer Risk Resulting from DNA Replication&quot;</em></p>
6  6  
7<p>Cristian Tomasetti and Bert Vogelstein. Variation in cancer risk among tissues can be explained by the number of stem cell divisions.&nbsp;<em>Science</em>&nbsp;347 (6217), 78-81.</p>  7<ol>
8  8   <li>To give students context for the importance of high fidelity DNA repair by capitalizing on their inherent interest in cancer and curiosity as to what causes cancer.</li>
9<p><a href="" target="_blank">View article&gt;</a>&nbsp;</p> 9   <li>To develop students&#39; science process skills by teaching experimental design as well as developing skills in scientific notation, relationships between two variables in a scatter plot, and correlation between variables.</li>


1 link — Cell Division and Cancer Risk | HHMI BioInteractive 1 file — ./Rebecca Orr-Cancer/CG_Cancer_Orr_KH_RB_RO5_MC_RO.pptx
2 file — ./cancer activity cell.PNG 2 file — ./Rebecca Orr-Cancer/DNA_Cancer_Instructor2.docx
3 file — ./Rebecca Orr-Cancer/DNA_Cancer_studenthandout3a2.docx
4 file — ./Rebecca Orr-Cancer/DNA_Cancer_Studenthandout3b2.docx
5 file — publication_367_378/cancer activity cell.PNG
6 link — Cell Division and Cancer Risk | HHMI BioInteractive
7 link — Variation in cancer risk among tissues can be explained by the number of stem cell divisions | Science