Resources: Compare

#348, v1.0 Published:
#1349, v1.0 Published:


No changes found.


Old VersionNew Version
1Megan A. Jones (National Ecological Observatory Network) 1Heather Susanne Zimbler-DeLorenzo ()
2Leah A. Wasser (University of Colorado Boulder) 2Heather Susanne Zimbler-DeLorenzo (Alfred University)
3Leah Wasser (University of Colorado Boulder)   
4Megan A. Jones (National Ecological Observatory Network)   


No changes found.


1 file — ./Ecological Disturbance/River-Discharge.jpg 1 file — publication_416_1468/Ecological Disturbance/River-Discharge.jpg
2 link — Quantifying The Drivers and Impacts of Natural Disturbance Events – The 2013 Colorado Floods | NEON 2 file — Quantifying The Drivers and Impacts of Natural Disturbance.pdf
3 link — Using Data to Understand the Causes & Impacts of the 2013 Boulder Floods - YouTube 3 file — Quantifying The Drivers and Impacts of Natural Disturbance.pptx
4 file — ./Ecological Disturbance/River-Discharge.jpg 4 file — Worksheet.pdf
5 link — Quantifying The Drivers and Impacts of Natural Disturbance Events – The 2013 Colorado Floods | NEON
6 link — Using Data to Understand the Causes & Impacts of the 2013 Boulder Floods - YouTube
7 file — publication_416_1468/Ecological Disturbance/River-Discharge.jpg
8 file — FMN Teaching Module ZD.docx