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#808, v1.0 Published:
#1734, v1.0 Published:


Old VersionNew Version
1Lesson I - Introduction to Genome Solver 1BLAST Exercises for Analyzing Cloning Results


Old VersionNew Version
1Gaurav Arora (Gallaudet University) 1Erin R. Morris ()
2Anne Rosenwald (Georgetown University) 2Erin R. Morris ()
3Vinayak Mathur (Cabrini University )   
4Anne Rosenwald (Georgetown University)   


Old VersionNew Version
1<p>The Introduction provides a summary of the materials to be covered in the subsequent 5 lessons and discusses the goals of the Genome Solver Project as a whole. &nbsp;</p>  1<p>There are two activities: getting familiar with BLAST, and a worksheet for analyzing a cloning experiment we did in lab. It can be adapted to other cloning experiments. Teaching notes are included.</p>
3<p>Contained within this lesson is the powerpoint slide deck, a transcript for this slide deck, and an introductory lesson on BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) should this be necessary. &nbsp;Familiarity with BLAST is important for the subsequent lessons. &nbsp;</p>   


1 file — ./Lesson I - Introduction/BLASTPexerciseonsuscProtein.docx 1 file — BLASTcloningMorris.docx
2 file — ./Lesson I - Introduction/Part I - Introduction transcript.docx 2 file — BLASTModifiedSODhomeworkMorris.docx
3 file — ./Lesson I - Introduction/Part I - Introduction.pptx 3 file — publication_906_1879/gslogo-print copy.jpg
4 file — ./gslogo-print copy.jpg