
Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar created this post

Discovering indigenous science: Implications for science education

[Shared by Marcelle Darby]

Authors: Gloria Snively & John Corsiglia
Abstract:  Indigenous science relates to both the science knowledge of long‐resident, usually oral culture peoples, as well as the science knowledge of all peoples who as participants in culture are affected by the worldview and relativist interests of their home communities. This article explores aspects of multicultural science and pedagogy and describes a rich and well‐documented branch of indigenous science known to biologists and ecologists as traditional ecological knowledge (TEK)...

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Resources for discussion related to cultural issues

Some resources related to Wednesday's 1:30 meeting. This collection will include resources for teaching content surrounded by social issues and dynamics.

5 posts

Profile picture of Carrie Diaz Eaton

Carrie Diaz Eaton