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An Investigation of Island Biogeography using Data from Online Natural History Collections

Author(s): Debra Linton1, Anna Monfils1, Molly Phillips2, Libby Ellwood3, Joseph Cook4

1. Central Michigan University 2. iDigBio, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida 3. iDigBio 4. University of New Mexico

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Module on coevolution in which students utilize natural history collections. Initial module by AIM-UP was modified by BLUE

Licensed under CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 14 Jan 2019 doi:10.25334/Q4BT2G - cite this Last public release: 2.0

Adapted from: Islands as a Tool for Teaching Ecology and Evolution v 1.0


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