Tags: aquatic macroinvertebrates

All Categories (1-15 of 15)

  1. A Beginner's Guide To Sampling Rockpools

    07 Jul 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Sarah Ababneh, Zach Moreau1

    Virginia Commonwealth University

    In this guide, we'll teach you how to sample rockpools, collect data, make visuals from data, and interpret data in order to see if any correlations exist.


  2. Alison N Hale

    I received my Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh in 2012 for my work on the disruption of native plant-mycorrhizal mutualisms during allelopathic plant invasion. After completing a research...


  3. Amy Meeker-Taylor

    I am an Environmental Educator on the shores of Lake Huron, Michigan's Thumb Coast. My main focus is connecting K-12 students to scientists in the field and exposing them to STEM careers while...


  4. Anne Lewis


  5. Aquatic Macroinvertebrates and Urbanization: Exploring urbanization’s effect on leaf litter decomposition in six streams of Puerto Rico using R

    11 May 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By John McIntosh

    Virginia Commonwealth University

    Urbanization effects stream ecosystems by introducing pollutants to the streams.. This has detrimental effects on the life of the streams such as the aquatic macroinvertebrates who are in charge of...


  6. Aquatic Macroinvertebrates and Urbanization: Exploring urbanization’s effect on leaf litter decomposition in six streams of Puerto Rico using R

    11 Jan 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By John McIntosh

    Virginia Commonwealth University

    Urbanization effects stream ecosystems by introducing pollutants to the streams.. This has detrimental effects on the life of the streams such as the aquatic macroinvertebrates who are in charge of...


  7. Clifton Benjamin Ruehl


  8. Exploring Detritus-Based Food Webs in Streams

    10 Dec 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Susan Washko1, Elizabeth Waring2

    1. University of Arizona 2. Northeastern State University

    This two-part field lesson for mid- to upper-level undergraduates connects allochthonous inputs to the invertebrate consumers that depend on them. After preparing students with background...


  9. Investigating Determinants of Richness in Ephemeral and Permanent Wetlands Using Linear Models in Shiny

    21 Jan 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Kristofor Voss

    Regis University

    This resource seeks to provide a quantitative platform by which students can be taught about interactive effects using the TIEE module created by Little (2018). Key to the adaptation is the use of...


  10. Investigating human impacts on stream ecology: locally and nationally

    18 May 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Erin Larson

    University of Alaska Anchorage

    This module is a modification of the Nuding and Hampton module in TIEE Volume 8. This modified module includes data from Alaska and is modified to be completed as an asynchronous lab in an online...


  11. Island biogeography, spatial ecology, and macroinvertebrate species diversity in Richmond’s rock pools

    22 Feb 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Nadia Bukach1, Todd Lookingbill1, Andrew Davidson2, James R Vonesh2, Kristine Grayson1

    1. University of Richmond 2. Virginia Commonwealth University

    Students investigate questions of community ecology and biogeography using data from an urban rock pool ecosystem. Using ArcGIS 10, students learn to create effective maps, calculate landscape...


  12. Jessica M Orlofske


  13. Microhabitats and macroinvertebrates: Logjam influences on stream morphology and macroinvertebrate traits

    01 Jan 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Carolyn Cummins1, Adriana E. Martinez2

    1. University of Georgia 2. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

    Logjams are important hydrologic features that shape stream channel morphology and create habitat for organisms. In this lesson, students learn about and measure logjams in a wadeable stream and...


  14. Patina K Mendez


  15. Zanethia Choice Barnett
