Tags: dairy

All Categories (1-4 of 4)

  1. 1-119-DairyFarming-ModelingScenario

    22 May 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Robert Krueger

    A simple first order population growth model is presented. The challenge is to produce a final differential equation which is the result of the difference or ratio of birth and death rates. This...


  2. 2011-Teleken-EtAl-Mathematical modeling of microbial growth in milk

    07 Apr 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jhony Tiago Teleken


    A mathematical model to predict microbial growth in milk was developed and analyzed. The model consists of a system of two differential equations of first order. The equations are based on physical...


  3. Dairy Farm Mathematics

    09 Jul 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Richard Francisco, Katie Gilbert

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/qubesresources/publications/783From the website:We based our instructional unit on the premise that many people have, that one does not need mathematics if the they do not plan on attending...

  4. Dairy Farm Mathematics

    11 Sep 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Richard Francisco1, Katie Gilbert1

    University of Georgia

    We based our instructional unit on the premise that many people have, that one does not need mathematics if the they do not plan on atttending college or pursuiting careers known for involving...
