Tags: disturbance ecology

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  1. Christopher Michael Gough


  2. Erin Larson


  3. Implementing an online module on microbe-plant interactions in the context of ecological disturbance for Microbiology and Biochemistry courses in India

    08 May 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Arindam Mitra

    Adamas University, West Bengal, India

    This module explores tropical forest gap dynamics and helps students develop hypotheses about climate-related changes in plant-microbial interactions and was implemented in Microbiology and...


  4. Megan E. Cattau


  5. Morghan McCool


  6. NEON Data in the Classroom: Implementing and Adapting an Open Education NEON Resource “Quantifying the Drivers and Impacts of Natural Disturbance Events-The 2013 Colorado Floods” for the Southern California Classroom.

    11 Dec 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Adriane Clark Jones

    Mount Saint Mary's University

    Natural disasters and subsequent ecological disturbance events illustrate the complexity of problems in ecology and environmental science, and can be used as effective teaching tools. Unpacking the...


  7. Quantifying The Drivers and Impacts of Natural Disturbance Events – The 2013 Colorado Floods

    19 Feb 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Leah Wasser1, Megan A. Jones2

    1. University of Colorado Boulder 2. National Ecological Observatory Network

    This lesson focuses on ways that scientists identify and use data to understand ecological disturbance events using data from five public datasets. The main lesson focused on interpretation of...


  8. Robert Strahan


  9. Tempest Mccabe
