Tags: Peer review

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  1. A Journal Club Project to Promote Interpreting and Presenting Information From the Primary Scientific Literature

    19 Aug 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Patrick W. Cafferty†*

    Emory University

    Many undergraduate students receive little guidance on how to critically read, interpret data within, or present information from the primary scientific literature before they begin senior...


  2. Authentic Ecological Inquiries Using BearCam Archives

    24 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By X. Ben Wu1, Stephanie Knight2, Jane F. Schielack1, Denise Robledo3, Xavier A. Jaime1, Cheryl Ann Peterson1, Lawrence Griffing1

    1. Texas A&M University 2. Pennsylvania State University 3. South Arkansas Community College

    Learning through authentic scientific inquiries is essential for understanding the nature and process of science and for developing critical thinking and communication skills. It is logistically...


  3. Good Drug, Bad Practice: Tackling the Ivermectin Fiasco

    12 Apr 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Anzela Niraula1, Vasudha Sundaravaradan2, Rebecca M. Price*3

    1. University of Washington, Seattle 2. University of Washington, Tacoma 3. University of Washington, Bothell

    Throughout history, biomedical advancements have alleviated suffering worldwide and significantly advanced human well-being. As researchers and educators, we are well-familiar with the...


  4. Kristin Klucevsek


  5. PeerWise - an open question authoring tool

    Collections | 18 Jul 2019 | Posted by Sarah Prescott


  6. Small Organisms with Big Consequences: Understanding the Microbial World Around Us

    25 Aug 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By William C. Beckerson*

    University of Louisville and University of Central Florida

    Creating a hands-on lab that conveys important information while simultaneously allowing for student autonomy can be difficult. This is particularly true for the field of microbiology, in which...


  7. Strategies for developing a science communicator through authentic science writing assignments

    27 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Brooke A. Jude

    Bard College

    To prepare biology undergraduates to be able to read and evaluate the primary literature, it is beneficial to teach students how to write documents in the style of professional science style...


  8. Your Tax Dollars at Work: A mock grant writing experience centered on scientific process skills

    24 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Paula A.G. Soneral1, Sara Wyse1

    Bethel University

    A successful scientist combines skill, creativity, and the art of persuasion to excel in his or her field of study. Critically important for the professional scientist is the ability to not only...
