Tags: remote sensing

All Categories (21-40 of 48)

  1. Jeff Atkins


  2. Jane Foster


  3. Shawn Paul Serbin


  4. Jasper Van doninck


  5. Hammed Adedamola Akande


  6. Nicholas Emerson Bruns


  7. Alexey N Shiklomanov


  8. Diving into Deep Sea Data

    23 Apr 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Adania Flemming1, Randy Singer2, Molly Phillips3

    1. iDigBio, FLMNH 2. University of Michigan Museum of Zoology 3. iDigBio, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida

    A module that combines NOAA's Okeanos Explorer and the iDigBio Portal to explore the deep sea!


  9. Donal O'Leary


  10. Lara Prihodko


  11. Yingying Xie


  12. Earth Analytics in Python Course

    01 Nov 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Leah Wasser1, Jenny Palomino1, Chris Holdgraf2

    1. Earth Lab - University of Colorado, Boulder 2. University of California, Berkeley

    Earth analytics is an intermediate, multidisciplinary course that addresses major questions in Earth science and teaches students to use the analytical tools necessary to undertake exploration of...


  13. Get Started With GIS in Open Source Python Workshop

    15 Oct 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Leah Wasser1, Jenny Palomino1, Joe McGlinchy1

    Earth Lab - University of Colorado, Boulder

    There are a suite of powerful open source python libraries that can be used to work with spatial data. Learn how to use geopandas, rasterio and matplotlib to plot and manipulate spatial data in...


  14. Introduction to Version Control and Git Workshop

    15 Oct 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Leah Wasser, Max Joseph

    Learn how to use version control with Git to work collaboratively and back up your work.


  15. Writing Clean Code in R Workshop

    15 Oct 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Max Joseph1, Leah Wasser

    Earth Lab - University of Colorado, Boulder

    When working with data, you often spend the most amount of time cleaning your data. Learn how to write more efficient code using the tidyverse in R.


  16. Introduction to Earth Data Science Textbook

    15 Oct 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jenny Palomino, Leah Wasser

    Introduction to Earth Data Science is an online textbook for anyone new to open reproducible science and the Python programming language. There are no prerequisites for this material, and no prior...


  17. Earth Analytics in R Course

    15 Oct 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Leah Wasser

    Earth Lab - University of Colorado, Boulder

    Earth analytics is an advanced, multidisciplinary course that addresses major questions in Earth science and teaches students to use the analytical tools necessary to undertake exploration of...


  18. Earth Analytics Bootcamp Course

    15 Oct 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jenny Palomino1, Leah Wasser

    Earth Lab - University of Colorado, Boulder

    The Earth Analytics Bootcamp is a three-week introductory-level course taught by instructors in Earth Lab and is a part of the Professional Certificate in Earth Data Analytics - Foundations at CU...


  19. David Shaner LeBauer


  20. NEON Science YouTube Channel: Science Explained

    Collections | 29 Nov 2018 | Posted by Alycia Crall
