How Many Squirrels Are in the Shrubs? A Lesson Plan for Comparing Methods for Population Estimation
30 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Johanna Varner*1, Hayley C. Lanier2, Jennifer M. Duggan3, Laurie Dizney4, Elizabeth A. Flaherty5, Patrice K. Connors1, Liesl P. Erb6, Christopher J. Yahnke7, John D. Hanson8
1. Colorado Mesa University 2. University of Oklahoma 3. California State University, Monterey Bay 4. University of Portland 5. Purdue University 6. Warren Wilson College 7. University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point 8. Institute for Biodiversity Research and Education
Estimating the population sizes of animals is a key skill for any student interested in ecology, conservation, or management. However, counting animals in natural habitats is difficult, and the...