
Helping Students to Metacognitively Read Scientific Literature With Talking to the Text

Reading primary scientific literature enhances students’ understanding of material, increases their self-efficacy, and critical thinking skills. However, scientific articles often present multiple challenges to the students, the first among them is the unfamiliar nature of scientific texts: their high information density, formal language, and abundance of scientific jargon. In this lesson, students are taught the Talking to the Text method to metacognitively read scientific texts. The Talking to the Text method, which is part of the Reading Apprenticeship approach, enables students to have a metacognitive conversation with a scientific text, annotating it with their own questions, connections to previous knowledge, predictions, and drawings. The method is introduced through instructor’s modeling, individual practice, peer interactions, and class discussions. The collaborative approach of this lesson normalizes the struggles that students face when reading complex scientific texts. We have successfully used the Talking to the Text method in an introductory biology course with diverse students who often do not have experience in reading dense scientific texts. We find that this method promotes inclusion and holds students accountable to address what they do not understand in the text. In a survey, half of the students indicated that they were still using the method at the end of the semester. Students commented that the method improved their understanding of concepts, built their metacognitive skills, and helped them connect new information with what they already know. We believe that this method can be valuable for all students who are starting to read complex scientific texts.

Primary Image: Using Talking to the Text to metacognitively read scientific literature. A student reads a scientific text using the Talking to the Text method. The student engages in metacognitive conversation with the text by identifying the confusing parts of the text, making connections between new and existing knowledge, and drawing pictures of concepts or experiments.

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Profile picture of Claudia Stein

Claudia Stein onto Study skills

Phage Discovery Videos

A compilation of videos to support teaching the concepts and protocols for discovering and working with phage.

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Profile picture of Courtney Galle

Courtney Galle onto Phages Videos

Environmental Drivers of Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes from Minutes to Years

Students build on fundamental concepts of ecosystem production and carbon cycling, combining this knowledge with open long-term data from ecological and meteorological networks to uncover the environmental drivers of carbon fluxes.

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Profile picture of Sharad Kumar Gupta

Sharad Kumar Gupta onto Ecosystem_Sharad

Molecular Basis of Sickle Cell Disease

This multi part case on hemoglobin structure as it relates to oxygen binding and sickle cell disease focuses on utilizing bioinformatics and molecular visualization tools to learn about the sickle cell disease, its cause, symptoms and possible cures.

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Profile picture of Jana L. Villemain

Jana L. Villemain onto Biochemistry resources

Nicholas' Story

This 3 part case on sickle cell disease focuses on visualizing and understanding the molecular basis of its cause, symptoms, complications, management, treatment, and possible cures.

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Profile picture of Jana L. Villemain

Jana L. Villemain onto Biochemistry resources

Population Ecology of the Northern Spotted Owl

The mathematical modeling of populations utilizing field-collected demographic data is an important component of lab curricula in a variety of undergraduate biology lab courses. During the global pandemic brought about by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in 2020, we successfully converted an in-person lab on demographic population modeling to a lab that could be run remotely. We used a Google Earth Web Project to simulate a population study of the Northern Spotted Owl. In the simulation, students collected both demographic and mark-recapture data, based on surveying images of Northern Spotted Owls as they navigated four different wildlife transects. After conducting the survey, students used the data to determine population size using the mark-recapture method, derived a life table, calculated the net reproductive rate, and used the information to assess the current management plan for the population studied. Here we outline the lesson and provide materials required to duplicate the lab or to use Google Earth to create a similar simulation centered around a different species in any location around the globe.

Primary Image: Population Ecology with Google Earth. This population ecology lesson utilizes the Google Earth Project to provide students a simulated mark-recapture study. This lesson framework can be applied to any species or location; we chose to focus our lesson on the Northern Spotted Owl.

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Profile picture of Heather Evans

Heather Evans onto BIO 101

Go Extinct! An Award-Winning Evolution Game That Teaches Tree-Thinking as Students Pursue the Winning Strategy

Evolutionary trees communicate both the diversity and unity of life, a central and important scientific concept, as highlighted by the Vision and Change undergraduate biology education movement. Evolutionary trees and cladograms are diagrams viewed by biologists as Rosetta Stone-like in how well they convey an enormous amount of information with clarity and precision. However, the majority of undergraduates in introductory biology courses find the non-linear diagram confusing and do not immediately understand the tree-thinking central to interpreting the evolutionary tree’s branching structure. Go Extinct! is an original board game featuring land vertebrates (i.e., amphibians, mammals, birds and reptiles) and it is designed to engage students in reading this evolutionary tree. Go Extinct! won the Society for the Study of Evolution’s Huxley Award for outstanding outreach achievements in recognition for how the gameplay itself incentivizes students to identify clades and common ancestors on a stylized tree. The game can be completed in about 30 minutes, which allows instructors time to give follow-up activity sheets that help students transfer their new ability to read a stylized tree into the ability to read more traditional-looking trees found in textbooks and the literature. Overall, teaching the game, playing the game, and completing the follow-up transfer activity can be completed in a 50-minute section. Each game can serve up to 6 students, which means 3 games can cover a section of 18 students. Go Extinct! provides a fun and effective learning experience that students will remember and may even request to play again.

Primary Image: Biologists play Go Extinct! Students who play Go Extinct! gain a mastery of reading an evolutionary tree or cladogram. The winning strategy depends on identifying common ancestors of animal cards in your hand. Photo taken by the author.

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Profile picture of Heather Evans

Heather Evans onto BIO 101

Debating Conservation: Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Introductory Biology Classes

Role-playing activities in the classroom promote students’ critical thinking, research, and communication skills. We present an activity where students debate a current controversy in conservation. In our case study, students debate the topic of wolf reintroduction in California. Each student is assigned a stakeholder role (e.g., rancher, environmental scientist, hunter, or politician) and a position (either pro or con). First, the whole class participates in a vote on the debate topic so as to register pre-debate sentiment. Then, in the first part of the activity (75 minutes or as homework), students prepare arguments with others representing their stakeholder group by reading the primary and secondary literature and answering guided questions. In the second part of the activity (75 minutes), students participate in a live debate divided into three sections: introductory arguments, questions from the jury, and concluding arguments. The whole class then votes again to decide the winner of the debate, leading to a discussion about which factors do and do not lead to changes in understanding and opinion. The interdisciplinary nature of this activity reinforces student knowledge on ecological networks, keystone species, and natural history, as well as introduces the importance of non-scientific stakeholders in conservation. While this case study focuses on the reintroduction of wolves in California, the activity can be adapted to the reintroduction of controversial species in other regions, or used as a framework for any debatable topic in conservation biology.

Primary Image: The reintroduction of the gray wolf Canis lupus is a controversial topic in conservation biology and environmental policy.

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Profile picture of Heather Evans

Heather Evans onto BIO 101

A clicker-based case study that untangles student thinking about the processes in the central dogma

The central dogma of biology is a foundational concept that provides a scaffold to understand how genetic information flows in biological systems. Despite its importance, undergraduate students often poorly understand central dogma processes (DNA replication, transcription, and translation), how information is encoded and used in each of these processes, and the relationships between them. To help students overcome these conceptual difficulties, we designed a clicker-based activity focused on two brothers who have multiple nucleotide differences in their dystrophin gene sequence, resulting in one who has Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and one who does not. This activity asks students to predict the effects of various types of mutations on DNA replication, transcription, and translation. To determine the effectiveness of this activity, we taught it in ten large-enrollment courses at five different institutions and assessed its effect by evaluating student responses to pre/post short answer questions, clicker questions, and multiple-choice exam questions. Students showed learning gains from the pre to the post on the short answer questions and performed highly on end-of-unit exam questions targeting similar concepts. This activity can be presented at various points during the semester (e.g., when discussing the central dogma, mutations, or disease) and has been used successfully in a variety of courses ranging from non-majors introductory biology to advanced upper level biology.

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Profile picture of Heather Evans

Heather Evans onto BIO 101

A clicker-based case study that untangles student thinking about the processes in the central dogma

The central dogma of biology is a foundational concept that provides a scaffold to understand how genetic information flows in biological systems. Despite its importance, undergraduate students often poorly understand central dogma processes (DNA replication, transcription, and translation), how information is encoded and used in each of these processes, and the relationships between them. To help students overcome these conceptual difficulties, we designed a clicker-based activity focused on two brothers who have multiple nucleotide differences in their dystrophin gene sequence, resulting in one who has Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and one who does not. This activity asks students to predict the effects of various types of mutations on DNA replication, transcription, and translation. To determine the effectiveness of this activity, we taught it in ten large-enrollment courses at five different institutions and assessed its effect by evaluating student responses to pre/post short answer questions, clicker questions, and multiple-choice exam questions. Students showed learning gains from the pre to the post on the short answer questions and performed highly on end-of-unit exam questions targeting similar concepts. This activity can be presented at various points during the semester (e.g., when discussing the central dogma, mutations, or disease) and has been used successfully in a variety of courses ranging from non-majors introductory biology to advanced upper level biology.

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Profile picture of Heather Evans

Heather Evans onto Genetics

A clicker-based case study that untangles student thinking about the processes in the central dogma

The central dogma of biology is a foundational concept that provides a scaffold to understand how genetic information flows in biological systems. Despite its importance, undergraduate students often poorly understand central dogma processes (DNA replication, transcription, and translation), how information is encoded and used in each of these processes, and the relationships between them. To help students overcome these conceptual difficulties, we designed a clicker-based activity focused on two brothers who have multiple nucleotide differences in their dystrophin gene sequence, resulting in one who has Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and one who does not. This activity asks students to predict the effects of various types of mutations on DNA replication, transcription, and translation. To determine the effectiveness of this activity, we taught it in ten large-enrollment courses at five different institutions and assessed its effect by evaluating student responses to pre/post short answer questions, clicker questions, and multiple-choice exam questions. Students showed learning gains from the pre to the post on the short answer questions and performed highly on end-of-unit exam questions targeting similar concepts. This activity can be presented at various points during the semester (e.g., when discussing the central dogma, mutations, or disease) and has been used successfully in a variety of courses ranging from non-majors introductory biology to advanced upper level biology.

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Profile picture of Heather Evans

Heather Evans onto Genetics

A Muscular Dystrophy Case Study Illustrating the Phenotypic Effects of Mutation

Mutations in genes can lead to a variety of phenotypes, including various human diseases. Students often understand that a particular mutation in a single gene causes a disease phenotype, but it is more challenging to illustrate complex genetic concepts such as that similar mutations in the same gene cause very different phenotypes or that mutations in different genes cause similar phenotypes. We originally designed this lesson to build off of the CourseSource lesson “A clicker-based case study that untangles student thinking about the processes in the central dogma,” but it can also stand alone. In our lesson, students read or listen to a real-life case study featuring a patient who doggedly pursues the underlying genetic cause of her own disease—muscular dystrophy—and stumbles upon a similar mutation in the same gene that gives an athlete the seemingly opposite phenotype: pronounced muscles. The lesson also leads the students to overlay their understanding of the central dogma and mutation on protein function and disease, compares muscular dystrophy to the disease progeria, and concludes with an ethical challenge. We tested the lesson as both an independent homework assignment, as well as a small group in-class worksheet and both formats were successful.

Primary Image: Line drawing of a space filling diagram of the LMNA protein illustrating mutations that lead to progeria.

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Profile picture of Heather Evans

Heather Evans onto Genetics

Why Do I Need a Lab Notebook? Teaching Responsible Conduct of Research with CURE Lab Notebooks

There are few instructional tools about data acquisition and management available for undergraduate students. I created this lesson as a Fellow of the Ethics Network for Course-Based Opportunities in Undergraduate Research (ENCOUR) to fill this gap by providing a lesson that introduces lab notebooks and builds connections to responsible and ethical conduct of research (RECR). While originally developed for a course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) in microbiology, there are few disciplinary or course specific details included, making this resource easy to adapt to a variety of contexts. The lesson begins with a pre-class assignment which introduces students to the basics of keeping a lab notebook. The in-class instruction provides opportunities for student reflection, short lecture segments, and group work to identify and discuss the connections between data collection practices and RECR. Students who completed the lesson displayed a broader and more complete conception of the connections to RECR topics as well as the utility of the lab notebook.

Primary Image: Lab Notebook image (from this website used under Creative Commons license)

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Profile picture of Ev L. Nichols

Ev L. Nichols onto research program ideas

Analysis of Microbiomes Using Free Web-Based Tools in Online and In-Person Undergraduate Science Courses

Our understanding of microbiomes, or the collection of microorganisms and their genes in a given environment, has been revolutionized by technological and computational advances. However, many undergraduate students do not get hands-on experiences with processing, analyzing, or interpreting these types of datasets. Recent global events have increased the need for effective educational activities that can be performed virtually and remotely. Here, we present a module that introduces STEM undergraduates to the bioinformatic and statistical analyses of bacterial communities using a combination of free, web-based data processing software. These lessons allow students to engage with the studies of microbiomes; gain valuable experiences processing large, high-throughput datasets; and practice their science communication skills. The lessons presented here walk students through two web-based platforms. The first (DNA Subway) is an easy-to-use wrapper of the popular QIIME (pronounced “chime”) pipeline, which performs quality control analysis of the raw sequence data and outputs a community matrix file with assigned bacterial taxonomies. The second, ranacapa, is an R Shiny App that allows students to compare microbial communities, perform statistical analyses and visualize community data. Students may communicate their findings with a written final report or oral presentation. While the lessons presented here use a sample dataset based on the gut-microbiome of the bean beetle (Callosobruchus maculatus), the materials are easily modified to use original next-generation amplicon sequence data from any host or environment. Additionally, options for alternative datasets are also provided facilitating flexibility within the curriculum.

Primary Image: Insects are an excellent example of a tractable biological system to study the relationship between an organism and its microbiome. Little is currently known about the gut-microbiome of many insects, such as the bean beetle (Callosobruchus maculatus).

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Profile picture of Heather Evans

Heather Evans onto Genetics

Splicing it Together: Using Primary Data to Explore RNA Splicing and Gene Expression in Large-Lecture Introductory Biology

At the heart of scientific ways of knowing is the systematic collection and analysis of data, which is then used to propose an explanation of how the world works. In this two-day module, students in a large-lecture course are immersed in a biological problem related to the Central Dogma and gene expression. Specifically, students interpret experimental data in small groups, and then use those data to craft a scientific argument to explain how alternative splicing of a transcription factor gene may contribute to human cancer. Prior to the module, students are assigned a reading and provided PowerPoint slides outlining the basics of alternative splicing and refreshing their understanding of gene regulation. Students complete a pre-class assignment designed to reinforce basic terminology and prepare them for interpreting scientific models. Each day of the module, students are presented experimental data or biological models which they interpret in small groups, use to vote for viable hypotheses using clickers, and ultimately leverage in a culminating summary writing task requiring them to craft a data-driven answer to the biological problem. Despite the novelty of the argumentation module, students engage in all aspects (inside and outside of the classroom) of the activity and are connected across data, hypotheses, and course concepts to explain the role of alternative splicing in gene expression and cancer.

Primary image: Splicing it together. Students work together, interpreting primary data and models to investigate the effects alternative splicing may have on gene regulation and cancer.

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Profile picture of Feyza Guvener

Feyza Guvener onto Lessons For Genetics

Splicing it Together: Using Primary Data to Explore RNA Splicing and Gene Expression in Large-Lecture Introductory Biology

At the heart of scientific ways of knowing is the systematic collection and analysis of data, which is then used to propose an explanation of how the world works. In this two-day module, students in a large-lecture course are immersed in a biological problem related to the Central Dogma and gene expression. Specifically, students interpret experimental data in small groups, and then use those data to craft a scientific argument to explain how alternative splicing of a transcription factor gene may contribute to human cancer. Prior to the module, students are assigned a reading and provided PowerPoint slides outlining the basics of alternative splicing and refreshing their understanding of gene regulation. Students complete a pre-class assignment designed to reinforce basic terminology and prepare them for interpreting scientific models. Each day of the module, students are presented experimental data or biological models which they interpret in small groups, use to vote for viable hypotheses using clickers, and ultimately leverage in a culminating summary writing task requiring them to craft a data-driven answer to the biological problem. Despite the novelty of the argumentation module, students engage in all aspects (inside and outside of the classroom) of the activity and are connected across data, hypotheses, and course concepts to explain the role of alternative splicing in gene expression and cancer.

Primary image: Splicing it together. Students work together, interpreting primary data and models to investigate the effects alternative splicing may have on gene regulation and cancer.

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Profile picture of Feyza Guvener

Feyza Guvener onto Lessons For Genetics

Why Meiosis Matters: The case of the fatherless snake

A compelling reason to learn something can make all the difference in students’ motivation to learn it.  Motivation, in turn, is one of the key attitudes that drives learning.  This story presents students with a compelling puzzle of a fatherless snake.  The puzzle motivates students to learn about meiosis and mitosis, since the only way to explain the origin of the fatherless baby is by mastering details of meiosis.  During the process, students work through the major steps in meiosis, compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis, and apply their understanding to predict how meiosis “went wrong” to produce an unusual offspring that did not originate through union of an egg and a sperm.  This story can be adapted for introductory or advanced students and can be scaled from a brief introduction in a single lecture to a series of active learning exercises that could take two or more lecture periods.

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Profile picture of Alex Deal

Alex Deal onto Cell Bio

The Science Behind Parthenogenesis: Interesting things happen when meiosis goes “wrong”

Parthenogenesis accompanying article

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Profile picture of Alex Deal

Alex Deal onto Cell Bio

Population Ecology of the Northern Spotted Owl

The mathematical modeling of populations utilizing field-collected demographic data is an important component of lab curricula in a variety of undergraduate biology lab courses. During the global pandemic brought about by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in 2020, we successfully converted an in-person lab on demographic population modeling to a lab that could be run remotely. We used a Google Earth Web Project to simulate a population study of the Northern Spotted Owl. In the simulation, students collected both demographic and mark-recapture data, based on surveying images of Northern Spotted Owls as they navigated four different wildlife transects. After conducting the survey, students used the data to determine population size using the mark-recapture method, derived a life table, calculated the net reproductive rate, and used the information to assess the current management plan for the population studied. Here we outline the lesson and provide materials required to duplicate the lab or to use Google Earth to create a similar simulation centered around a different species in any location around the globe.

Primary Image: Population Ecology with Google Earth. This population ecology lesson utilizes the Google Earth Project to provide students a simulated mark-recapture study. This lesson framework can be applied to any species or location; we chose to focus our lesson on the Northern Spotted Owl.

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Profile picture of Cori Brown

Cori Brown onto FTB

Defenses against predation: Interpreting graphs of predator behavior

In this lesson, students discuss anti-predator defense mechanisms and the types of cues defenses provide to predators. Students then interpret graphs of behavior of arthropod predators when presented with different phenotypes of color polymorphic tortoise beetles. Finally, students view and reflect on an interview with Dr. Lynette Strickland, the biologist who collected the data that they interpreted.

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Profile picture of Cindy Trussell

Cindy Trussell onto BIOL A442