
Profile picture of Katherine Jones

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Macrosystems EDDIE Links

Overview of Macrosystems EDDIE 

Web pages for Macrosystems EDDIE ecological forecasting teaching modules (which include links to the R Shiny app webpage for each module as well as other teaching materials): 

Module 5: Introduction to Ecological Forecasting 

Module 6: Understanding Uncertainty in Ecological Forecasts 

Module 7: Using Data to Improve Ecological Forecasts 

Module 8: Using Ecological Forecasts to Guide Decision Making 


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Katherine Jones onto Sensing the Earth Summit

Sensing the Earth Summit

Resources shared for Sensing The Earth: Tribal College Faculty Data Science Experience at Haskell Indian Nations University on Thursday November 17th thru Friday November 18th, 2022. TCU Faculty will gain hands-on experience with LiDAR, accessing local climate and geospatial data, and more and also contribute to strategy sessions to identify pathways for continued faculty training, resources for climate resilience, and revitalizing the Indigenous Peoples’ Climate Change Working Group (IPCCWG) and more. The latest iteration of the Red Bus Charter and inter-institutional resource map and shared framework will be presented with opportunities to build partnerships, along with a share-out useful tools as a takeaway package for TCU partners to share and discuss with their home institutions. 

16 posts

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Alycia Crall